Sunday, March 22, 2009

The ride back to Rexburg started pretty early. I had to be down town by 7:00 AM and rode all the way to Rexburg sleeping. I was supposed to be studying for my biology test, but I was so stinkin’ tired after such a long weekend. I got home just in time to eat something and head to Vocal Union. We started our last two charts today to prepare for our concert in a few weeks. It is going to be a great concert. 

For FHE this week we did scalp treatments. One of my FHE sisters finished beauty school before she came up here so she taught us how to do scalp treatments with Tea Tree Oil. It was just the thing I needed after a long day with a headache. I relaxed and let Marylee get to work. 

I took my biology test on Tuesday. I wasn’t sure how well I would do seeing as I didn’t take the time to study this weekend. We had a small review in class and so I decided since it was all fresh in my mind I would go take it then. I was extremely surprised to leave the testing center with an 86%. This is much higher than expected and means that I could completely bomb the final and still pass the class. Looks like graduating is a done deal!

Sadly I caught quite the cold this week. I have been trying so hard to fight it off all week so that it wouldn’t effect my recital on Saturday. I spent all day sleeping both wednesday and Thursday. I didn’t want to take any chances. You would not believe all the water I drank and all the vitamin C I was trying to flush through. It worked pretty least to hold it off until the end of the week. Thursday we all got together to do a full run through of my recital. We even got to do it in the Barrus concert hall. I had Andy and Jacqui take notes so I could know exactly what needed to be fixed or polished before Saturday. It ran pretty smoothly. I’m excited to perform!!!

Saturday finally came! I woke up and took my sweet little time getting ready and cleaning up. I was trying to get my apartment clean and ready for my family to come. I didn’t want to embarrass myself with the mess my roommates leave behind. Sadly after all that work my family didn’t even come inside. I went to Andy’s recital earlier in the day. It was phenomenal. I really enjoyed all of it. He has a very impressive classical voice. His family was here along with Jacqui’s mom. It was a very nice recital!

I left after Andy’s recital to get ready for my own. I then met up with Mom, Dad, and Audrey to go to a late lunch at Applebees. it was fully satisfying, and just what I needed to get ready for my recital. I met up with Sis. Brower for a few more touch ups and to run through my duet with Audrey. It was time to change and get the show on the road. But not before I took the time out to get a blessing from Dad. I knew I was still sick and wanted the added comfort of knowing that everything was going to be alright. The blessing mostly just calmed my nerves, and assured me that it would turn out great. Nothing else could be done at this point. It was all or nothing!

It all started with Sis Bossard (my wonderful teacher) introducing my program. She said some silly things about me and my lack of middle name. Some people think she is a crazy old lady, but I think she is wonderful!
With Sis. Brower as my accompanist we started right into the program. I started it off with a few classical selections and some of my favorite sacred pieces. I wanted to be sure to have the right feeling, so I decided it would be best to wear a dress... at least for this short portion of the show. 
I got to sing a duet with Audrey, which is almost my favorite thing in the whole world. the only thing that tops that is singing with both Jenni and Audrey!
Yes, we still get the giggles even when it is a formal event... I guess that is just the way things go when you are best friend sisters!
I got a few of my friends together to sing an arrangement of The Lord's Prayer in honor of Clint. It is his favorite piece of music and I know he would have loved to have been there but he is held up in St. George and was unable to attend. So Dan being as greta as he was took his place... hence the music stand. 

While I changed my clothes Sis Brower put together a small interlude and played "Emily" in honor of, well, me! What a sweet lady she is. I just don't know what I will do without her when I graduate. I next sang a few jazz selections and ended the group with a surprise act.
While Sis Brower played the Mr. Rodger's Theme I smiled, and did just as he would. I put on my tennishoes and slipped on a sweater. 
Next in line, everyone came out in their best sweaters and we all sang Won't You Be My Neighbor. It was a nice comic relief for such a serious recital. 
I ended with a few favorites from some less popular musicals and then sooner then I knew it was all over and I had finished my greatest assignment in all of school. Wow, the end really is coming quickly!
I love Sis. Bossard and all that she has taught me in the past few months. She believed that I could do anything, and with her help I pulled together a recital that was far better than anything I could dream up. 
Mom of course supplied treats for a small reception after and in the process opened a bottle of sprite a little prematurely and got it all over herself and Audrey. Obviously members of my family. ;)
I met up with my good friends in the hall and thanked each of them for coming. I had about 58 people come from both on campus and people from out of town. It was a great surprise to have Megan Larsen, the Marsdens, Katie and Seffton, and the Slaughters show up. I am so loved a supported by all my closest friends! I love them all and thank each of them for coming from so far out of town just to show their support. 
Nothing could have been done without the loving support of a mother who believed in me from my little Annie-a-loud days to now. What a great mom! I couldn't and wouldn't ask for a better one!
What is a recital without flowers. Thank you Mom and Dad, and also Marsden family. I love the flowers and will keep them as long as I can. Thank you to all who came and also to those who sent their love and support in good luck wishes. It was  great experience that I wouldn't change for the world!

1 comment:

Pops said...

You are the Best!