Sunday, February 8, 2009

Seeing as I already gave you an entire entry on just my birthday, I will try to keep it short this week. My biology class is getting harder and harder everyday, but oddly enough it intrigues me, and so I want to study... weird I know! We are starting to learn now about cellular respiration. It makes nearly no sense to me at all, but I want to understand it. I am determined to ace this test in a week. Study, study, study!

My Family Home Evening group is the best ever this semester. We have so much fun. It was the boy's turn to pick out the activity this week, but they wouldn't tell us what we were doing. After the song, prayer, and thought they got super excited and the Price is Right theme music started to play. Yes, that is right, we played a legitimate game of The Price is Right. Host and all. I learned that I have no understanding of pricing on anything. I wasn't even close on any of them. Good thing I have never tried to be on the real game. ;) 

Vocal Union rocked the performance this week at the Spirit Week Spectacular. I don’t think we have ever had such a successful first performance. We get another chance to perform at the Collegiate Invitational in a few weeks. 2 more songs learned and memorized to perform. It is just so much fun! This is the most amazing group I have ever been in. All the students want to accomplish something and are all willing to sacrifice to get there. We had a rehearsal without Sis. Brower this week and we accomplished so much. I was completely amazed at the focus of the group and how much we learned... I almost think we accomplished more this rehearsal than our rehearsals with Sis. Brower. Sometimes the students just need an opportunity to speak out without an intimidating teacher there. Our songs improved so much and although I don’t enjoy running rehearsal, it was good for me. I don’t know what I am going to do without this group in a few months when I graduate. Performing is my passion, and when I leave school I leave so many opportunities behind. I guess it is time to grow up, leave the performing behind, and lead a real life. 

Our ward had a temple night in Idaho Falls this week. It was nice to get to the temple again. The Rexburg Temple is closed for cleaning for a few weeks, so I don't get top work there for another 2 weeks. The Bishop met us there and fed us all dinner in the cafeteria (which was fantastic food!) and then we went on to do a session. It was the fullest session I have ever been to. I can't ever remember having to add that many chairs. the session took a long time, but it gave me a lot of time to think, ponder and just enjoy the spirit of the temple. I am so lucky to live close enough to a temple to just go when ever I want and need. 

I had to go down to Idaho Falls again on Saturday to do a little Vocal Union shopping and while I was there I met up with one of my good friends Alex Trost. I hadn't seen him since the beginning of January. He was in my english class and Vocal Union with me last semester. Seeing as we knew each other in the MTC we were instant friends here at school. We talked, laughed, and caught up as we drove back to Rexburg together. When we got back we picked up Kimber, another friend from Vocal Union, and went to Dairy Queen for a little ice cream and some good stories. We got on the topic of unfortunate experiences with microwaves and embarrassing moments. It turned out to be quite the interesting conversation, but what can you expect with the three of us?

Church today was so good. I love it when all three meetings are super spiritually fulfilling. My bishop decided to focus our sacrament talks on the temple recommend questions. I hear them a lot, but very rarely do I think too much about them in depth. I know I should, but it is more a yes/no situation that I have taken for granted. It was a great chance to think about each one and where I stand. Sunday school was a fantastic chance to learn and express what I know about personal revelation, something I am always working on understanding. It was just a great Sunday!

I can't wait to come home this next weekend for Sweethearts day and to see the whole family... and Clint!

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