Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My birthday was stretched out all over the board. It started about a week ago when my old FHE brothers and Ji Hye wanted to take me out the new Red Robin in Idaho Falls. I had no idea that it was for my birthday at all. We got there and I saw Ji Hye lean over and tell the waitress that we were there celebrating my birthday. Little did I know they also told the waitress that it was Cliff's birthday too... this was no where near the truth. Turns out... they thought we looked enough like twins to pull off a dual birthday situation. We got balloons and free ice cream. It was so much fun to be with all the old people in the ward. We laughed, ate, and just enjoyed an evening in Idaho Falls. 
The next portion of my birthday festivities happened at home. I drove home for Mary's wedding and ended up getting the surprise of my life. I had asked Mom for a new temple dress seeing as mine didn't really fit. I got the most beautiful dress that fits like a glove. I just love it. But that isn't even the best part. Earlier that morning Mom and I had been talking about Clint and she asked if he was going to get to be here for our Sweethearts Day. I told her that he wasn't able to make it because neither him nor I could afford to get him a ticket. Soon after Mom asked if he would want to come if he had a way. I was sure he wouldn't turn down an opportunity. It was then that Mom told me that she had a free round trip plane ticket for anywhere in the United States. She asked me to call Clint and ask if he would like it. He accepted it, obviously, and so I technically got Clint for my birthday. He is coming and spending 4 days with me and my family! I am so excited. I can't wait to see him. I know it has only been a month, but it was a rough month. Oh how I love my mother!
Sunday evening we all got together and had a combined Birthday party for Potts, Des, Evylee and me. We had the best dinner! Mom made Cafe Rio Chicken Salad, that in my personal view tasted better than the restaurants. Good food and the company of family is the best thing in the entire world!
As you can tell we got a little carried away with the fun and laughter, but how can you not with my family. We are just a gallon of laughs waiting to happen. 
Right before I went to bed Monday night my roommates wanted to give me their gift so they could all be there. Meagan pulled out this avon box from work. I waited for everyone to get in the room. they sang and I started to open the box. 
I guess you can't go wrong getting me things for my birthday. People know that if it is Tinkerbell, green, or food I will be happy with it! They gave me a Tinkerbell steering wheel cover, CD holder and little bathroom set. 
It was quite the challenge getting the steering wheel cover on. My fingers were cold, and it wouldn't stretch over the wheel. After a good ten minutes of trying to get it on, I finally got Meagan to help me. It slipped right on, now why didn't I think to ask for help a little earlier?

Today is my BIRTHDAY!!! I woke up and Ji Hye told me to wait for breakfast. she wanted to make me Banana pancakes with coconut syrup, mmmm... one of my new favorites. I went out to help her. She shoved me back into bed and told me I wasn't allowed to help. I sat patently in my bed until she finished. I came out to eat them, and enjoyed every bite!
She had to go to class so I cleaned up and opened my cabinet to put things away and there I found this note. Turns out Clint was in cahoots with my roommate and set everything up. He had her buy me groceries. Next to getting Clint for my birthday from Mom this was by far the best gift. It was something I needed and could use. He is so thoughtful and sweet. How did I catch such a good guy? I hope he doesn't mind that I put this little note on here, but it isn't like I could put a picture of all the food right?
I went to Biology, learned about global warming and then left class to find a sweet message on my phone. Payton had called to leave me a birthday song. It was a sweet as can be! I came home and enjoyed a relaxing day, got a few phone calls from friends and family, and then got ready for my performance. 
We had sound check and a quick run through. After all that Sis. Brower had us all sit down  so she could give us our instructions for the rest of the evening. the next thing I knew everyone started singing Happy Birthday. Jacqui came around the corner with a chocolate mint cupcake and a card from all of the Vocal Union friends. It of course was a Tinkerbell card that they had all signed. Jacqui even went through the effort of finding a little quote from the movie. It was so much fun. I love having close friends! Vocal Union is a blessing in so many ways. 
Jacqui also gave me my gift from her and Andy. It was this beautiful Tinkerbell porcelain doll. I love it and it is a nice addition to my collection above my bed. I know it doesn't look like the regular Tinkerbell, but it is her outfit she has when she is "born." You will just have to watch the movie to figure all that out... if you want to. 
Right after our sound check I had another sweet little message on my phone. Lily had called this time and sang to me in her tiny little voice. She is by far my favorite person to sing with. I just love her little sweet voice! I called David to tell him thank you for the phone call, and got to listen to her sing it again. Then I went right to my performance. After the performance we rushed off to Idaho Falls for my birthday dinner. Where did we go, you may ask? Well, only to the best place ever! RED ROBIN... again!
I got the usual Bleu Ribbon Burger and Freckled Lemonade. I was there with a bunch of Vocal Union friends... funny thing is, they were ALL married. So we left a seat for Clint, knowing how much he loves burgers, and pretended he was there. So Clint, if you read this, that picture was for you and so was that burger. Andy said he was going to superimpose you, but who knows how that would happen! 
My birthday was the greatest ever! I loved it and I am so lucky to have to best family, boyfriend, and friends in the entire world! Thank you to everyone and anyone who had a part in it!


Kathryn said...

You deserved the best birthday ever. Glad you received it!

Seth and Sierra said...

What a fun day! Glad it was so good!